Sunday, November 11, 2007

Remembrance Day is About....?

Canadians celebrate. The significance of World War 1 in particular, was that it was the start of a birth of a nation, Battle of Vimy Ridge, 1917 Canadian troops made a significant contribution to the British cause that led to other victories, therein ending World War I. Canadians celebrate and honor those brave men who lost their lives not only in World I but also World War II. If it were not for those men, Canada would not be the nation that is today without their sacrifice, so I am told. Where is God in this picture and is this question warranted?

Let me begin by saying this: Three weeks ago, I should have been killed in a head on car collision. So by now means am I relegating the death of those veterans. Life can change in a matter of seconds. Ask me, I know only to well.Most people who know me in Canada can testify that I'm proudly South African, all be it wearing a springbok supporters jersey, scarf etc. They may see the significance but they are also aware of my patriotism. The same holds true in this case, I see significance of Remembrance Day in Canada and I'm aware of their patriotism. If the purpose for Remembrance Day is for paying respects, I'm all for it. After all mourning is biblical and there are ton's of references. If it is to honor and celebrate those veterans who died and Canada is a nation because of it, then in my opinion it is different matter altogether.

Every year at Bishops, in an Anglican Church School in South Africa, we held a remembrance day service. The difference, Thank you God for the lives of those etc..I think this is significant and should not be underscored. Who started the war? What were the reasons? Who fought against who? The bottom line, man fought against man each side had their reasons. What world explanation is there that 44 million men and many more civilians died because of the war?There are none. The world was divided no doubt but these events were symptoms of a root problem-sin. A world living in a presence of itself and its desires, not caring for the other person. When will we take the responsibility? The "problem with the world? Me. Your sincerely..." a reader wrote in the British telegram.

Based on my observation since I have been living in Canada,I quote "We celebrate and honor the lives of those veterans." Is there valid reason for giving this appraisal? Canada would not be the nation that it is today because of the veterans. Look at the parable of the Prodigical Son. The scandal of the parable is that the younger son ask his father for his share of the inheritance while his old man was still living. "I want your money but I want nothing to do with you. John Dickson's in Simply Christianity, when speaking about the parable, "we enjoy our money,clothes, possession but through ignorance or neglect we fail to acknowledge our Creator. This is the heart of sin, we are distant from God (Luke 15:13, distant country) the fact that the son lived widely was simply symptomatic."

This post has nothing to with question of evil,war or those save the world campaigns. Is it right that veteran's are accredited to Canada's prosperity? With no intent of desensitizing the sanctity of life, I will say the following. It was a man who fought and was a man who was killed in a war. The point, in celebrating national prosperity on the basis of veteran's are we not praising ourselves? Placing faith in ourselves, the very one's who obliterated one another.Hardly seems enlightening. Then we will philosophize and debate items like nature/nurture find 'solutions' and go on living. The sad thing, it is common and its called culture.

Ask any veteran alive why they participate in remembrance day. You'll get a humble response, "In memory of my comrade, who fought alongside me." The marketed public appraisal "Lest we not forgot,"-its because of those that fought that we live the life we have. This rhetoric of "Lest we not forget," sentiment is an altogether different matter than lamenting after a forgotten soldier. I ask, "Lest we forget, Who?"


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